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Latest news in and around Kwetu
November 4, 2020
“Always Sanitize” Isn’t A Slogan At Kwetu – It’s A Way Of Life

What a year this has been. And it’s not over yet.  Here, at Kwetu, we have been blessed with wonderful rains.  Our grass is green, and the dams are full.  But, like the rest of the world, we have felt the scourge of COVID 19.  We have adjusted to the “new normal”, with masks, gloves […]

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October 1, 2020
Come get your Nature Fix on our Beautiful Guest Farm here at Kwetu

After the year with all of it’s restrictions, having your nature therapy is an absolute must and necessity. Recharge your batteries and hit the refresh button of your soul. During the time of lock down we do not realize the impact it has had on us physically and only when you find yourself taking a […]

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June 17, 2020
Post-Covid Travelling Wishlist

With the Covid-19 restrictions slowly loosening their grip and our world slowly returning back to normal. We can once more start to create our Wishlist of places to go and places to see. While picking up the pieces of the devastating trail of destruction that this virus left us with, it is important to still […]

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December 11, 2019
This Year May Have Thrown More At Us Than We Planned – But We Made It!

(Photo courtesy PJ Bester) As we draw close to the end of 2019, we look back on a year that has brought us, as a small, growing business and as a family, challenges faced; difficult lessons leaned; pride, and a strong bond of togetherness.  Not only with us as the “Kwetu Family”, but also with […]

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January 9, 2019
Permaculture @ Kwetu

An Interview with Kobus Kritzinger “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow” Audrey Hepburn. Here at Kwetu we definitely believe in tomorrow. Our Organic Garden is coming along nicely and we recently had an interview with Kobus Kritzinger who has been part of this project. Below you can read all about it and […]

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December 5, 2018
Picnics @ Kwetu

Summer is in the air, the festive season is upon us, we have families coming from distant places to celebrate the holidays, young and old love rekindle as the entire atmosphere is buzzing with a sense of togetherness. Whether you are looking to have a romantic evening or a one on one experience or a […]

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October 22, 2018
Professional Photographer Petrus Bester Explores Kwetu Guest Farm

Professional Photographer Petrus Bester Explores Kwetu Guest Farm At the end of August, Kwetu was blessed with the visit of an outstanding photographer, Petrus Bester, who took time out from his busy schedule to explore our farm and its surrounding areas.  He is an avid wildlife photographer, and we wanted to use his visit to […]

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August 9, 2018
Night time at Farm

Kwetu Guest Farm has a variety of beautiful things to see at night.

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July 11, 2018
Wildlife enjoying the farm

Wildlife at Kwetu Guest house, enjoy the farm life amongst the wildlife.

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June 22, 2018
Bontebok at Kwetu

Come and see the beautiful Bontebok at Kwetu Guest Farm This article is about the antelope. For the Dutch village, see Bontebok, Heerenveen. The bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus) is an antelope found in South Africa, Lesotho and Namibia. The bontebok has two subspecies; the bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus pygargus),[2] occurring naturally in the Fynbos and Renosterveld areas of the Western Cape, and the blesbok (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi) occurring in the highveld. The bontebok […]

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May 28, 2018
Sables at Kwetu

Come and see our Sables

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May 10, 2018
6th May Giraffes Melvin & Sophie’s release

  We released our 2 young giraffes into the park on the 6th May 2018. Book in and come see these majestic creatures aswell as our sables, springbuck, wildebeest, horses and many other wildlife.  

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May 5, 2018
New Eland born 2 March 2018

A new Eland was born on 2 March 2018 We have wonderful Game Drives and Picnics, come and see.

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May 3, 2018
Water conservation at Kwetu

Water conservation at Kwetu The why’s and how Many of you who walk, or stroll the farm may wonder at certain odd aspects of the landscape of our guest farm. The ditches you may notice are actually called swales, and they’re infiltration basins designed for water retention and slow water release during the dry season. […]

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May 3, 2018
6th May Melvin & Sophie Giraffes Arriving Soon

Good Morning we at Kwetu are so excited about the two teenagers 🦒🦒 Melvin and Sophie, that arrive later this week. So we are giving 20% off on all 2day booking in the month of MAY to celebrate their arrival and share the experience. It takes a lot of planning to orchestrate such a relocation, but boy […]

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December 19, 2017
Whats happening @ Kwetu

Whether you are looking backpackers accommodation  in the Western Cape, or a cozy chalet,  Kwetu could be the place for you.  We’ve slowly expanded our range of accommodation to offer folks with different budgets an opportunity to choose between a range of holiday accommodation.   Our three apartments at the bottom of the farm have […]

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November 21, 2017
Picnic on Kwetu Farm
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November 21, 2017
Kwetu Farm & Cottage

Farm & Cottage

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November 21, 2017
Kwetu Farm Wildlife

Kwetu Farm Wildlife

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November 21, 2017
Horses taking a bath

Horses taking a bath

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August 29, 2017
New Arrivals on Farm – Baby Sable
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August 29, 2017
Rescue of Bat Eared Fox

Little Mr Koljander, our bat eared fox.

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March 25, 2017
Wildlife lovers beware! Sables at Kwetu Guest Farm

Wildlife lovers beware! Sables at Kwetu Guest Farm Our Sables have arrived on the farm, come join us for a game drive

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March 25, 2017
Baby Bontebok at Kwetu Guest Farm
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March 6, 2017
Baby Eland – Newest Arrival

Baby Eland Born – Our latest addition to the Eland family arrived last week. This little one looks healthy and curious, be sure to come say hi when you’re nearby Kwetu Guest Farm.

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October 18, 2016
Fishing at Kwetu

For the fishing enthusiasts, we’ve now discovered there is actually a lot of bass and tilapia on the farm, especially at the middle dam.  Anyone interested in catch and release is more than welcome to try their luck.  They’re plentiful and you’re almost guaranteed a catch this time of the year.  Great entertainment for kids.  Come […]

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